Create a Free Blog on Blogspot and Earn Money in 4 Easy Steps

Many of us are now looking for ways to make money online. The easiest way for most people to make money online is through blogging. Blogging is indeed a proven way to earn money. I have been making a decent income from blogging for over 5 years now and I can say that anyone can make money blogging with hard work. If you are one of those people who want to make the most of their free time. A great way to make money is blogging, it also increases your online influence. So if you want to create a free blog this is a detailed guide for you. If you are looking for a way to start a free blog, I recommend you consider using the Blogger blogging platform because it is not only easy to set up but you can also start making money from AdSense. In this post, I am going to share a one-stop guide to creating a blog on Blogspot for free and start earning money from AdSense. Before getting into the details, I will first answer a few important questions.

Most People have a Few Basic Questions Before Creating a Blog on Blogspot

          Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Q1: Can I use AdSense on Blogspot blogs?

Of course, you can earn money from blogspot blogs. Besides allowing a blogging platform blogger also helps you monetize your blogs through Google AdSense.

Q2: What do I need to pay to start a Blogspot blog?

No, You don’t have to pay a penny to start a blog on Blogspot. You just need to enter your email address to sign up at and start creating a blog. It’s that simple.

Q3: How can I make my blog attractive to readers?

There are many blog templates available for Blogspot blogs. Fortunately, most of these attractive templates you can use for free, just you need to give credit to the template creator. I mean from the free template you can’t remove the footer credit part.

But if you want to get premium blog templates to make your blog design stunning and unique, you will have to pay some money.

For beginners, you don’t need to buy something premium, just go with free blog templates because you will not only save money but you can also find good-looking themes in free blog templates on Blogspot.

generate and the more you can earn from Adsense.

Unfortunately, increasing search traffic to any blog or website is not easy, especially if you are a beginner in SEO. You need to learn everything related to SEO and start implementing effective SEO strategies to increase your organic traffic.

The only recommendation I can give to any beginner blogger is: to start focusing on creating SEO-friendly content.

Now I am sharing some simple tips for writing SEO-friendly blog posts that will help you drive more traffic to your Blogspot blogs.

  • Focus on internal connections. Whenever you write a new post, link to the previous post. This will increase search crawlability. The more your site is crawled internally, the more search visibility your blog will get.
  • Do not write more than 70 characters in your blog post title. It won’t show up in search results, so be sure to use short yet descriptive titles.

Always prioritize readers’ interests first, then optimize for search engines later. Do not use the same keywords over and over again as this leads to keyword stuffing and your blog may be penalized by doing so.

Do not use flash elements in your blog as it will slow down your blog. Google gives top priority to sites that load quickly

Focus on Getting AdSense Approval

Once you start creating great content for your blog, it’s time to focus on getting your Google AdSense approval. This is the main reason why most bloggers start blogs on Blogspot. If you are one of them, don’t wait too long.

I would suggest everyone focus on their efforts to get AdSense approval after completing 4 to 6 months. Because, after 4 to 6 months of regular effective effort, you will be able to get a good amount of traffic from search engines on your website.

Even if you post one post a day, that will be around 100 articles in 4 months. And if they are well-optimized for search engines, you will get around 500 unique visitors. This is a good start to get your AdSense approval.

Research Ways to Increase Your AdSense Earnings

The first thing you can do after your AdSense account is approved is to figure out some proven ways to increase your earnings from AdSense. Although as a beginner, it can be a tough task for you to increase your AdSense income with time you will understand how it works well.

You can also sign up for AdSense-related blogs to increase your knowledge and place AdSense ads in the right place to increase clicks from your blogs.

5 Essential SEO Tips for Blogspot Blogs

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